May 30, 2022 4 min read

I love gardening because it’s a way to connect with nature.

Gardening is a great way to get in touch with nature. It’s all around us, but we often don’t notice the beauty of our surroundings. Gardening gives you a chance to see things from a different perspective and appreciate what nature has to offer. Nature is also relaxing, which helps you unwind after a long day at work or school. You can also use gardening as an opportunity to spend time with your family, friends, or pets!

It's relaxing.

We've all heard the phrase "relaxation is the key to happiness." That saying has never been more true than in our modern society, where we are constantly bombarded with negative social media posts and news stories that can make us feel uneasy. Gardening is one way you can relax and connect with nature while still being productive. If you're not gardening outside but have plants indoors, there are ways to do this too!

I feel grounded.

I love being outside, but it's in the garden that I feel the most connected to the earth. Gardening is my way of connecting with nature, whether it be through growing food or simply enjoying the flowers and trees around me. When I'm working in my garden, I'm far away from all of life's distractions and worries as I work with my hands in a peaceful environment that allows me time for introspection and reflection.

It brings the outside in!

If you're a gardener and want to be more connected to what's going on outside, but don't have the space or time for that big of a garden, then indoor gardening is the answer.

You can grow plants indoors by creating an indoor garden. You can grow plants indoors in hanging baskets and pots, on windowsills, or in greenhouses. If you have limited space, it may be easier to start with an herb garden or succulent collection. Some careful planning, arranging, and caring for your indoor plants will give you many benefits:

  • It provides fresh air inside your home; it helps prevent pollution from becoming trapped inside buildings
  • It adds color and life to rooms that might otherwise seem cold or sterile
  • It offers companionship when you're away from work (or home) all-day

The colors are amazing.

Color is a great way to express yourself, which is why it's so popular for clothing and home decor. But did you know that color can also be used as a powerful tool in your garden?

It's true! Color can help influence the mood of your space and make it feel more like home. There are lots of ways to use color in the garden, but here are some ideas:

Use different colors to create separate areas within your yard—like an outdoor room—or all over the yard. This will help keep things organized and make them feel more like their own space instead of just one big area where everything blends (which is great if you're trying not just for efficiency but also for relaxation).

If possible, bring some outside elements into your indoor spaces by using plants with colorful foliage around doors or windowsills; this gives a glimpse into what nature feels like without having to leave indoors at all!

I like choosing different plants and where to put them.

Choosing the right plants for your garden is an important part of gardening. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing plants:

  • Native plants are the best choice for your area. Native plants have been adapted to grow in your climate and don't need extra help from you.
  • Plants that are easy to care for need less water, fertilizer, or pruning than other types of plant life.
  • In-season plants will grow at their best if they're planted during their growing season (for example, roses should be planted in spring). If you want your garden to look nice all year long, choose different kinds of flowers that bloom at different times—you'll never be disappointed by dead branches hanging over the bare ground!
  • Hardy shrubs can withstand cold temperatures without dying back completely like deciduous trees do every fall when temperatures drop below freezing; hardy shrubs include boxwood hedges and holly hedges. Drought-tolerant grasses can survive even if there's little rainfall for months on end! Low maintenance lawns like St Augustine grass require less mowing than bluegrass varieties because they're able to withstand higher levels of heat stress without turning brown from heat exhaustion as most other common lawn grasses do during hot summer months when temperatures rise above 85 degrees Fahrenheit in some parts of North America (such as Texas).

Gardening is a fulfilling hobby but also has health benefits.

Some people enjoy gardening because it’s a great way to relax and get away from life’s stresses. Others, however, have found that gardening can be good for their health. Gardening has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing by allowing you to spend time in nature while getting exercise and fresh air (and possibly vitamin D).

If you’re looking for ways to enhance your health in 2019, consider adding flowers or vegetables to your backyard this spring!